Check out this FABULOUS line up of featured books by Texas Book Festival Picture Book and Early Chapter Book authors! I can hardly wait to dig in (and see some of my favorite authors)!
What is the Texas Book Festival?
Only "one of the largest and most prestigious literary festivals in the country." (Texas Book Festival)
The Festival is held every year, and features 250+ authors and 100+ exhibitors spread over 20+ venues around the Texas State Capitol Building, with a wide range of panels, meet and greets, family activities, and of course, food trucks!
This year's event is this weekend, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 AND SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2018.
Most authors/illustrators will be available for book signings following their speaking event. Come to the Children's Book Signing Tent to get an autograph by your favorite author, and say hi to me while you are there!
Can't wait to see you!
All Around Us
Xelena Gonzalez, Adriana M. Garcia
Xelena Gonzalez, Adriana M. Garcia
10/27 at 12:15 PM, Latinx Lit Tent (with Erika L. Sanchez, Celia C. Perez, Xelena Gonzalez and Adriana Garcia) AND 10/27 at 4 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
Grandpa says circles are all around us. He points to the rainbow that rises
high in the sky after a thundercloud has come. "Can you see? That's only
half of the circle. That rest of it is down below, in the earth." He and
his granddaughter meditate on gardens and seeds, on circles seen and unseen,
inside and outside us, on where our bodies come from and where they return to.
They share and create family traditions in this stunning exploration of the
cycles of life and nature.
Construction Site on
Christmas Night
Sherri Duskey Rinker, A.G. Ford
10/28 at 12 PM, Children’s Entertainment Tent (AG Ford, Raul the Third, Laurie Keller) AND 10/28 at 2 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
The trucks are gearing
up for Christmas by building a special gift! But, there's a surprise waiting
for each of them, too! Presents await for Excavator, Bulldozer, Crane, Dump
Truck, and Cement Mixer as each finishes their part of this big, important job and
rolls off to a sweet and sleepy goodnight. Playful rhyming text
from the bestselling author of Goodnight,
Goodnight, Construction Site and vibrant illustrations from
the acclaimed artist AG Ford make this a perfect gift for young construction
fans everywhere.
Ivy and Bean: One Big Happy Family (Book 11)
Annie Barrows, Sophie
10/28 at 1 PM, Kirkus Reviews Tent
Ivy's worried. She's read a lot of books about only children,
so she knows that they are sometimes spoiled rotten. They don't share their
toys. They never do any work. They scream and cry when they don't get their
way. Spoiler alert! Ivy doesn't have any brothers or sisters. That's why she's
worried. How can she keep from getting spoiled? She could give away all her
clothes, but she'd probably get in trouble. She could give away all her toys,
but she likes her toys. There's really only one solution: she needs a baby
sister, on the double! Luckily, Ivy and Bean know just where to get one.
10/27 at 1 PM, Read Me a Story Tent AND 10/27 at 2 PM, Children’s Entertainment Tent (Vanessa Brantley-Newton, Arree Chung and Jeff Smith)
the beginning, there were three colors . . .Reds, Yellows, and Blues.
All special in their own ways, all living in
harmony—until one day, a Red says "Reds are the best!" and starts a
color kerfuffle. When the colors decide to separate, is there anything that can
change their minds?
Spitfire: The Story of Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird
Bethany Hegedus, Erin McGuire
10/28 at 12 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
most girls at that time and place, Nelle preferred overalls to dresses and
climbing trees to tea parties. Nelle loved to watch her daddy try cases in the
courtroom. And she and her best friend, Tru, devoured books and wrote stories
of their own. More than anything Nelle loved words.
Crash, Splash or Moo!
10/27 at 10:30 AM, Read Me a Story Tent
Mr. McMonkey is your host, and your contestants are America's
favorite stunt clam, Action Clam...and a cow! These unlikely daredevils face
off in a zany sequence of challenges--and readers get to guess the outcome of
all the wacky stunts. The winner gets a Golden Banana!
The Amazing Watercolor Fish/El Asombroso Pez
Dee Flores, Carmen Tafolla
10/28 at 1 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
In this fun, bilingual picture book with a lyrical Spanish
translation by former Texas Poet Laureate Carmen Tafolla, two pet fish imagine
a beautiful, mysterious world beyond their bowls.
Penguin & Tiny Shrimp
Don’t Do Bedtime!
Berry, Charles Santoso
10/28 at 4 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
and Tiny Shrimp DO NOT have a bedtime story to share with you.
There are no
soft beds or cozy covers here. There are fireworks! And shark-infested waters!!
This book
will never make you sleepy. Not at all. Not even a little. . .
What Do You Do with a Voice Like That?: The Story of Extraordinary Congresswoman Barbara Jordan
Chris Barton, Ekua Holmes
10/28 at 11:30 AM, Educator Session Capitol Extension Room E1.010 (Don Tate and Chris Barton)
Even as a child growing up in the Fifth Ward of Houston,
Texas, Barbara Jordan stood out for her big, bold, booming, crisp, clear,
confident voice. It was a voice that made people sit up, stand up, and take
So what do you do with a voice like that?
So what do you do with a voice like that?
Carmela Full of Wishes
Matt de
la Pena, Christian Robinson
10/27 at 10:30 AM, Kirkus Reviews Tent AND 10/27 at 2 PM, Frost Bank Plaza
When Carmela wakes up on her birthday, her wish has already
come true--she's finally old enough to join her big brother as he does the
family errands. Together, they travel through their neighborhood, past the
crowded bus stop, the fenced-off repair shop, and the panadería, until they
arrive at the Laundromat, where Carmela finds a lone dandelion growing in the
pavement. But before she can blow its white fluff away, her brother tells her
she has to make a wish. If only she can think of just the right wish to make...
Drawn Together
Le, Dan Santat
10/27 at 1:30 PM, Kirkus Reviews Tent
When a young boy visits his grandfather, their lack of a
common language leads to confusion, frustration, and silence. But as they sit
down to draw together, something magical happens-with a shared love of art and
storytelling, the two form a bond that goes beyond words.
This Is It
10/28 at 12:30 PM, Read Me a Story Tent AND 10/28 at 3 PM, Next Chapter Tent (Divya Srinivasan, Daria Peoples-Riley, Marla Frazee)
When a young dancer is nervous about her upcoming auditions,
her shadow springs to life and leads her on a joyous exploration of their city.
Soon enough, the young girl finds confidence in her skills, her body, and her
ability to shine.
Grow Up, David!
10/28 at 12 PM, Kirkus Reviews Tent
Little-brother antics have never been so endearing -- or true
to life! David Shannon's beloved character in his bestselling book No, David! captures the attention and hearts of
young children as few characters can. Readers relish David's exuberance,
defiance, and wildly energetic curiosity, and when there's trouble, you can bet
"David did it!" Now he's taunting his older brother by eating his
Halloween candy, making a bathroom mess, and following him up the tree house.
"You're too little!" won't stop David's tricks in this all-time
"read it again" favorite.
Little Owl’s Snow
10/28 at 11:30 AM, Read Me a Story Tent AND 10/28 at 3 PM, Next Chapter Tent (Divya Srinivasan, Daria Peoples-Riley, Marla Frazee)
“Winter’s almost here!” says Little Owl, as he observes
leaves falling, animal friends hibernating, and a chill from his feathers to
his feet. And just as he and his friend racoon are watching their breath make
fog in the cold air, it happens: Snow! Here is the perfect follow-up to Little
Owl’s Night and Little Owl’s Day, and a wonderful
introduction to the changing of the seasons!
No Small Potatoes:
Junius G. Groves and His Kingdom in Kansas
Bolden, Don Tate
10/27 at 3:30 PM, Read Me a Story Tent AND 10/28 at 11:30 AM, Capital Extension Room E1.010 Educator Session (Don Tate and Chris Barton)
Junius G. Groves came from humble beginnings in the Bluegrass
State. Born in Kentucky into slavery, freedom came when he was still a young
man and he intended to make a name for himself. Along with thousands of other
African Americans who migrated from the South, Junius walked west and stopped
in Kansas. Working for a pittance on a small potato farm was no reason to feel
sorry for himself, especially when he's made foreman. But Junius did dream of
owning his own farm, so he did the next best thing. He rented the land and
worked hard! As he built his empire, he also built a family, and he built them
both on tons and tons and tons of potatoes. He never quit working hard, even as
the naysayers doubted him, and soon he was declared Potato King of the World
and had five hundred acres and a castle to call his own.
The Day You Begin
Woodson, Rafael Lopez
10/27 at 12:30 PM, First United Methodist Church (Friends Pass Session)
10/27 at 11 AM, Read Me a Story Tent (Rafael Lopez)
There are many reasons to feel different. Maybe it's how you
look or talk, or where you're from; maybe it's what you eat, or something just
as random. It's not easy to take those first steps into a place where nobody
really knows you yet, but somehow you do it.
Jacqueline Woodson's lyrical text and Rafael López's dazzling art reminds us that we all feel like outsiders sometimes-and how brave it is that we go forth anyway. And that sometimes, when we reach out and begin to share our stories, others will be happy to meet us halfway.
Jacqueline Woodson's lyrical text and Rafael López's dazzling art reminds us that we all feel like outsiders sometimes-and how brave it is that we go forth anyway. And that sometimes, when we reach out and begin to share our stories, others will be happy to meet us halfway.
Growing Up on the
Playground/Nuestro Patio de Recreo
Luna, Monica Barela-Di Bisceglie
10/27 at 1:30 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
"On Ana's first day of kindergarten, the slide stood
like a mountain." The other kids in her class encourage her to glide
"down, down, down, to the bottom and her new friends."
Young readers will relate to these elementary school children playing outside. In first grade, Ana meets Karina, who becomes her best friend. Together, they swing higher and higher as they try to kick the sky! In second grade, Ana and her friends dangle like monkeys, eat pretend bananas and call out, "Ooo, ooo, ooo! Can you do what we do?" As they grow, the kids learn to play new games on the playground: basketball, soccer and even handball.
Young readers will relate to these elementary school children playing outside. In first grade, Ana meets Karina, who becomes her best friend. Together, they swing higher and higher as they try to kick the sky! In second grade, Ana and her friends dangle like monkeys, eat pretend bananas and call out, "Ooo, ooo, ooo! Can you do what we do?" As they grow, the kids learn to play new games on the playground: basketball, soccer and even handball.
Smiley’s Dream Book
10/27 at 12:30 PM, Read Me a Story Tent AND 10/27 at 2 PM, Children’s Entertainment Tent (Vanessa Brantley-Newton, Arree Chung and Jeff Smith)
On a beautiful sunny day, happy-go-lucky Smiley Bone is
walking through the woods when he begins to count some friendly birds. The
birds sing and climb so high that Smiley must find a fantastical way to keep up
with them!
Alma and How She Got
Her Name
10/27 at 12 PM, Read Me a Story Tent AND 10/28 at 11 AM, Latinx Lit Tent (Juana Martinez-Neal and Pablo Cartaya)
If you ask her, Alma Sofia Esperanza José Pura Candela has
way too many names: six! How did such a small person wind up with such a large
name? Alma turns to Daddy for an answer and learns of Sofia, the grandmother
who loved books and flowers; Esperanza, the great-grandmother who longed to
travel; José, the grandfather who was an artist; and other namesakes, too. As
she hears the story of her name, Alma starts to think it might be a perfect fit
after all — and realizes that she will one
day have her own story to tell.
Potato Pants!
10/28 at 12 PM, Children’s Entertainment Tent (AG Ford, Raul the Third, Laurie Keller) AND 10/28 at 3:30 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
is excited because today—for one day only— Lance Vance’s Fancy Pants Store is
rushes over early, but just as he’s about to walk in, something makes him stop.
What could it be? Find out in this one-of-a-kind story about misunderstandings
and forgiveness, and—of course—Potato Pants!
Dear Substitute
Garton Scanlon and Audrey Vernick
10/28 at 2:30 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
When a substitute teacher named Miss Pelly comes to class,
one student bristles at the change in routine-Miss Pelly doesn't follow the
rules like Mrs. Giordano. But in time, our student learns that even though the
substitute may do things a little differently, and she may be a bit silly,
mixing things up might not be so bad.
Little Brown
10/28 at 1:30 PM, Read Me a Story Tent AND 10/28 at 3 PM, Next Chapter Tent (Divya Srinivasan, Daria Peoples-Riley, Marla Frazee)
Little Brown is one cranky canine because no one ever plays
with him at the dog park. Or maybe no one ever plays with him because he is
cranky. Either way, Little Brown decides today is the day to take action, so he
takes all of the toys and sticks and blankets from all of the dogs at the park
and won’t give them back. But what will happen now?
Hurricane Heroes in
Texas (Magic Tree House #30)
Pope Osborne, AG Ford
10/27 at 2:30 PM, Kirkus Reviews Tent (Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce)

Magic Tree House Fact
Tracker: Texas
Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
When Jack and Annie came back from their adventure in Magic
Tree House #30: Hurricane Heroes in Texas, they
had lots of questions. Why is Texas called the Lone Star State? What was the
Alamo? When was the Galveston hurricane? Why was it so terrible? Find out the
answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts about
We’ve Got the Whole
World in Our Hands
10/27 at 11 AM, Read Me a Story Tent
Award-winning illustrator Rafael López brings new life with
his adaptation of "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands," saluting
the lives of all young people.
"We've got you and you got me in our hands.
We have the whole world in our hands."
Come and read along and sing along as we celebrate the magic of unity. From the rivers to the mountains to the oceans and to the sea -- we've got the whole world in our hands.
Mae Among the Stars
Ahmed, Stasia Burrington
10/27 at 2:30 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
Little Mae was a child, she dreamed of dancing in space. She imagined herself
surrounded by billions of stars, floating, gliding, and discovering.
wanted to be an astronaut.
mom told her, "If you believe it, and work hard for it, anything is
Mae’s curiosity, intelligence, and determination, matched with her parents'
encouraging words, paved the way for her incredible success at NASA as the
first African American woman to travel in space.
Grandma’s Purse
10/27 at 11:30 AM, Read Me a Story Tent AND 10/27 at 2 PM, Children’s Entertainment Tent (Vanessa Brantley-Newton, Arree Chung and Jeff Smith)
When Grandma Mimi comes to visit, she always brings warm
hugs, sweet treats...and her purse. You never know what she'll have in there--fancy
jewelry, tokens from around the world, or something special just for her
granddaughter. It might look like a normal bag from the outside, but Mimi and
her granddaughter know that it's pure magic!
Lucy and the String
10/28 at 11 AM, Read Me a Story Tent
When Lucy spots a string, she can't help but give it a yank,
and before she knows it, she meets Hank! But this bear isn't quite sure what to
make of Lucy, especially because the string is attached to his pants, and
they're unraveling fast!
Now Lucy must dream up the perfect solution to Hank's missing pants, and hopefully win this dubious bear's heart along the way.
Now Lucy must dream up the perfect solution to Hank's missing pants, and hopefully win this dubious bear's heart along the way.
Just One Itsy Bitsy
Little Bite/Solo Una Mordidita Chiquitita
Garza, Flor de Vita, Gabriela Baeza Ventura
10/27 at 10:15 AM, Latinx Lit Tent AND 10/27 at 3 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
A young boy and his mom agree to share their special Day of
the Dead sweet bread with several unexpected visitors in this humorous
bilingual picture book that introduces young readers to counting and Hispanic
10/27 at 11 AM, Latinx Lit Tent (with Yuyi Morales and Julissa Arce) AND 10/27 at 2 PM, Read Me a Story Tent
Dreamers is a celebration of what migrantes bring with them
when they leave their homes. It's a story about family. And it's a story to
remind us that we are all dreamers, bringing our own gifts wherever we roam.
Beautiful and powerful at any time but given particular urgency as the status
of our own Dreamers becomes uncertain, this is a story that is both topical and
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