Hidden Talents

3 Word Challenge: Pink, Dance, Gymnastics
Challenge words selected by Jude (JUDE! I hope you see this - your email was returned!)

I'm not going to lie - this one was tough for me (which you'll see in my imperfect meter). BUT! I really, really wanted to incorporate some fun YouTube videos I found for Jude, who is a 2nd grade teacher! So...here goes (accompanying video links below)!



Though everybody listens
when alligator croons,
bring along a tuba
to really hear his tunes.

And if you’ve never seen
an armadillo dance,
without a doubt it’s time
to give those guys a chance!

I bet you never knew
that SLOTHS adore gymnastics
just like jungle monkeys
they really are fantastic!

When it comes to magic,  
octopus is tough to beat,
but when it comes to balance,
pink flamingo has the feet.

Everyone has talent –
sloth to alligator…
as long as you are you,
there’s really nothing greater.

The world is mystifying,
its beauty unexpected,
but that surprising splendor
keeps us all connected.

About 3 Word Challenges
I encourage every reader to submit three words to me which I will then craft into a poem, short story or story snippet. Please keep the words clean - this is a site about books and writing for kids, after all! Please also keep in mind that since the goal with these pieces is to connect the words in fresh and creative ways (quickly), I won't always meet your expectations completely. With only three words to go on, we might have a very different vision. I hope that you like what I write, but if you don't, feel free to contact me, or give it another go with three different words!

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  1. Super cute!

    1. Thanks, Brenna! Did you get a chance to watch the videos, too? :)
