
#ProjectReadathon Million Minutes Campaign

Want to rack up some book donations for kids...just by reading? 

Visit April 17-23, 2017 and read free, timed excerpts from Penguin Random House books and authors to score book donations for children in the United States, Mexico and Canada! The books will be donated to Save the Children, to be distributed to children who have few, if any, books in their homes. 

And the best news? It doesn't even require much time! Read a 20-minute book excerpt to "earn" five book donations; read 120 minutes to "earn" a whopping 60 BOOKS! 

Check back here, after the campaign officially begins on Monday, for more information. I hope you'll join me in racking up minutes towards the MILLION MINUTE goal! 

For more Penguin Random House Children's New Release titles like these beauties, go here!